New Refinder Features: Collection Explorer and Shoutbox

We are very happy to release two features today that will greatly simplify the way you share and discover information in Refinder: the Collection Explorer as well as the Shoutbox.

The Collection Explorer

Collections are a great way to collect, organize, and share information from different apps. There is one problem, though: when lots of items are collected, finding and accessing the right thing can become difficult. Refinder's powerful search and filter functions can help here, but they are designed for the power user and for systematic data drill-down, not for getting a quick overview. Luckily, from today on there is the Collection Explorer, which gives you quick access to the different information sources found in a collection.

The figure to the right shows how the Collection Explorer looks like. Basically, it provides you a quick and easy way to browse the contents of a collection, based on the source of the data. In this example, a few apps (including Google Docs, Outlook, and a few RSS feeds and twitter streams) have been connected to a collection. By clicking on one of those items, only the things that originate from that source are displayed in the collection contents list. 

Below, there is another option to filter things in a collection; this time, not based on their origin but on their characteristics. You can filter for all notes, for questions, and for bookmarks. (If you wonder, soon you will be able to filter for open things, too — stay tuned.) Quick access, that's what the Collection Explorer is all about.


The Shoutbox

While the Collection Explorer helps you quickly find the information you care about, the new Shoutbox helps you quickly share the information you care about.

What is the Shoutbox? Well, basically it's an area to enter any kind of information that you want to share with your team. Just enter some text, choose how you want to share the information (as bookmark, file, note, question, or task), and click 'Add' -- voila! Every member of your team will be updated with what you have posted, and will have the chance to comment, like, or to share further information that might be relevant for you.

We think that with the Collection Explorer and the Shoutbox, Refinder's toolset has become even better for managing your projects. As always, we'd be happy to get your feedback — tell us what you like, and what you don't like. Looking forward to hearing from you!