Search your Facebook Timeline with Refinder

Do you share your life on Facebook? Do you share links to interesting pages, comments on current events, and your personal forthcoming in your Facebook status updates? We at Refinder believe that your Facebook updates are precious for you and want to provide you a search engine for them. How? When? Read on.

We are Facebook users ourselves, and we love sharing status updates (here is my own profile). We also love searching our own cloud apps like Dropbox, Google Drive and more. Now we want to

  • make your own Facebook status updates searchable!
  • with the 12 other cloud apps you can already search, this would allow you to search all your contacts, appointments, files, tweets, and Facebook status updates in one place. 

facebook and refinder

Before we go ahead, tell us what you think:

  • Leave your email address below and we will send you a mail when we have done it.
  • If you like us to do Facebook Search, tell us here.