Social Business Whitepaper, Nice Collections in Refinder

Dear Users of Refinder,

Many great things came to life in the last month, here are some of them: we wrote a whitepaper about how intelligent semantic technologies and social business will converge; brought you new features in Refinder; and more below...

New Features

Read more about our features here:

Semantic Technologies & Social Business Whitepaper

Do you want to learn how social software can change the way you work and how intelligent software adds sugar to its top? Read our freshly published white paper
"Semantic Technologies Tap Unrealized Potentials of Social Business Platforms

You will learn

  • How and why semantic technologies improve core benefits of social software.
  • How business outcomes in areas like productivity, collaboration, decision making, knowledge preservation, information visibility can be achieved.
  • How findability, contextualisation and signalling of relevance of information are affected by semantic social business platforms.

Nice Collections managed in Refinder

There are some interesting collections that were created using Refinder. They cover topics such as Help&Support and go on to information about Social Software, Startups, and other smart tools. Check them out to see what can be collected in Refinder:

 Enterprise Social Software Group

 Help And Support (this was done by integrating an RSS feeds)

 Startup Smart Remarks

 Rollout Strategies for Refinder and Social Software

 Poolparty - Taxonomy Management System

Use Refinder in your Organization - open for Pilot Customers

Are you in the D/A/CH region and looking for an intelligent collaboration tool for your organization? We want to get in touch with you and adapt Refinder to your needs. Contact us at to be a pilot customer and get the most out of Refinder. Read more here:

If you have heard of someone who is looking for a collaboration and communication tool - help them by forwarding this mail.

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